Saturday, April 15, 1893


BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Bailey, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.  Evening Services at 7 p.m.

ST ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. J. F. Clancy, Pastor.  Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock a.m.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-E. W. Ward, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.  Sabbath school at 12 m.  Children’s services 3 p.m.  Class-meeting 6:15 p.m.  Bible study Tuesday 7:30 p.m.  Prayer meeting Friday, 7 p.m.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL CJIURCH-Rev. Wm. A. Schuester, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.  Evening service at 7:30 p.m.  Sabbath school at 9 a.m.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.  Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.

LOUNSBURY LODGE No. 751-Meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; L. A. Powers, S. W.; F. W. Shipman, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; W. J. Hanower, S. D.; Wm. McCredie, J. D.; A. Gleason, T.

BARRINGTON POST No. 275 G. A. R. Department of Ill.-Meet every second Friday in the month at Parker’s Hall.  A. S. Henderson, Commander; L. F. Elvidge, S. V. C.; L. H. Bute, J. V. C.; A. Gleason, Q. M.; E. R. Clark, O. D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.; Henry Reuter, Sergt.; F. A. Lageschulte, Chap.

W. R. C., No. 85-Meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.  Emily Gleason, Pres., Miss Bertha Seebert, Sec.

M. W. A. Camp 809-Meets first Saturday of each month at Lamey’s Hall.  E. R. Clark, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; Fred Kirschner, B.; M. R. Lamey, Clerk; William Antholts, W.; Lynam Powers, E.; P. A. Hawley, S.

Mrs. Sarah Thompson of Elgin spent last week at the home of Mr. J. W. Kingsley.

Among the real estate transfers of the past week are the following:  Henry Boehmer to Garret Lageschulte, his property near the Baptist Church, and Mrs. Wilmer to John C. Meier, the cottage and land bought of Richard Earith recently.

Ladies’ capes and jackets at A. W. Meyer & Co’s.

Mrs. L. Runge and son of Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. Behrns of Desplaines were visitors of E. Hachmeister last Friday.

James Regan of Dunning, Ill., was here on business last Saturday.

Miss Laura Church visited a few days last week at the home of E. D. Prouty.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Gieske visited their son Frank at Elgin last Sunday.

A young people’s missionary meeting was held at the Evangelical Church last Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Heise of Palatine visited with their son of this place last Sunday.

Miss Anna Grady of Chicago spent last Sunday with her mother.

Mr. Chester Dodge of Chicago visited with his parents last Sunday.

William Selleck of Chicago called on friends here last Sunday.

The big Yerkes telescope is to be located at Lake Geneva.  The citizens of that place donate for it eighty acres of land and $100,000 in money.

A pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Emma Schuester at the home of her parents on Wednesday of last week.

Remember the village election is next Tuesday, April 18.

Herman Koeling has gone to Dundee to clerk for Norton & Batt.

Mrs. E. Hachmeister visited with relatives in the city the fore part of last week.

Mrs. Pedley of Waukegan visited a few days of last week with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Peck visited friends at Elgin last Friday.

Miss Mamie Hutchinson is now clerking for S. Peck.

Henry Miller who has been at the Hot Springs during the past month, returned home on Friday of last week and is much improved in health.

Mrs. Ben Castle of Chicago spent last Sunday at the home of her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have moved here and are living in the house of Mr. Crabtree.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nightengale spent last Sunday with friends at Woodstock.

Mr. John Price of Waukegan was here on business last Wednesday.

Mr. Henry Boehmer of Wheeling called on friends here Wednesday of last week.

Manford Bennett’s children have been quite sick during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. ? visited with the latter’s parents last Sunday.

Mr. M. Richmond of Palatine called on friends here last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Diekman visited John Badeke in the city last Monday.

Miss Nellie Gray, who has been visiting friends at Algonquin during the past week, returned home last Sunday.

Mrs. Lutz visited a few days of this week with friends here.

Dr. Kendal spent a number of days of this week with his mother at Elgin, who is, at this writing, dangerously ill.

William Wilmer is taking a vacation.  John Runyan is baggageman during his absence.

Mr. Ike Kueller and John Bergman of Palatine called on friends here during the past week.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-A Western farm of 640 acres:  improved land.  Call or address William Dawson, Barrington, Ill.

Mrs. Dawson and daughter Nellie visited friends at Maplewood last Sunday.

Mrs. Marietta Grippen Barrows, widow of Theron Barrows, died quite suddenly April 1 at 7:40 o’clock a.m. of pneumonia, resulting from an attack of the grip.  Her last illness dates from only a few days ago.  Miss Marietta Grippen was born on the 14th day of July, 1815, in the village of Corinth, N. Y. At the age of 17 she became the wife of Theron Barrows of the same village, then a young man of 19.  The marital relations entered into sixty years ago last February by the young couple proved to be most happy and prosperous.  Since Mr. Barrows’ decease, on the 19th of last December, the bereaved wife, deprived of a loving life companion, had patiently waited for the end which should bring about a happy reunion.  Her death was a calm and peaceful sleep.

A good many years of Mrs. Barrows’ life were spent in Dundee, where she was esteemed as a woman and a sincere Christian.  Her religious home since an early age was with the Baptist Church.  Mr. and Mrs. Barrows moved to Elgin from Dundee about twenty years ago, residing at No. 123 Fulton Street. Two sons have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Barrows of whom only one, Milton T. Barrows of Dundee
survives.  Their grandchildren number five:  Mrs. D. Bridge of Elgin, H. A. Barrows, Mrs. A. H. Ketchum, and Miss A. C. Crawford of Nebraska.  There are six great grandchildren, two of whom are at present in Dundee with their parents.  Mrs. Barrows was the youngest of the family of nine children of whom one sister and two brothers are still living in the East. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon, April 7, at 2 o’clock from the residence.  The interment was in the family lot in Dundee cemetery.